Looking to make and earn money online? Looking for ideas on how making money online? If so, then you're in the right place. GamingStar shared you 20 ideas to get extra income and earn money online every day. Here are 20 legal methods for making money online. 1. FREELANCING Freelancing is the top most popular way to make and earn money online. Every month you can earn minimum $500 depending upon the freelance jobs. You can temporarily work for, and provide your services to small or large businesses. Outfiverr, upwork, freelancer, WorkNHire and many more freelance sites offering projects for people with different skills like content writer, game testing, web designer, graphic designer or provide services like SEO, data entry, logo design, video testimonials, digital marketing etc. Just you have to do is create and complete your account details, browse the listings and ask for the job that suits you so concerned clients directly contact you. 2. START OWN WEBSITE In online the...